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Prix régulier 150,00 € TTC 6%
Well - illustrated with such an amount of beautiful photographs, this is the almost complete ( 11 bound volumes ) encyclopedia of aviation in weekly parts : Wings, published between 1976 and 1979.
Format | 31 x 24 x 27 cm |
Finition | Cartonné |
Année d’édition | 1976 - 1979 |
Langue | Anglais |
Etat du livre | Très bon état |
Auteur | Authors’ collective |
Editeur | Orbis Publishing |
Published in 150 weekly parts of 20 pages each, between 1976 and 1979, making a total of 11 bound volumes. The first 8 volumes comprised an A - Z survey of famous aircraft manufacturers, aircraft types, aviation personalities and air battles under the headings : Trailblazers, War in the Air, Theory of Flight, Famous Aeroplanes, Fighting Airmen.
( source : Aeroflight )
The 11 binders that we offer are in good conditions! We sell the complete set, so don't miss this opportunity !