Prix régulier 150,00 € TTC 6%
Book cover finish | Perfect paperback |
Special features | Reprint |
Condition | Used very good |
Published date | 1989 |
Language | English |
Size | 21.5 x 28 x 1.5 cm |
Author | Thomas S. Mills ; CFII and ATP |
Editor | REAVCO |
The Pilot's Reference to ATC Procedures and Phraseology was created to help fulfill the great need for pilots to understand today's U.S. Civilian Air Traffic Control System. In the fall of 1988, A Call to Action: Joint FAA/Industry Partnership to Improve Pilot/ Controller Communications was "an appeal to each and every member of the aviation community to respond to the need for improved communications as a means of enhancing both system safety and system performance." This edition can help you answer that call.
Effective communication starts with the knowledge and respect of ATC (air traffic control) procedures, best learned from the air traffic controller's point of view. Therefore, this edition remains structured after the Controller's Handbook, the manual that prescribes air traffic control procedures and phraseology for use by personnel providing air traffic control services, so you may have access to their procedures.
Throughout the years, government rules and recommendations relating to pilot/ controller interaction have been disseminated to the pilot community primarily via the Federal Aviation Regulations and the Airman's Information Manual. With this edition, you will find selected portions of these manuals conveniently arranged with the information from the Controller's Handbook. This enhances the descriptions of the procedures and can make your understanding of ATC even better.
To heighten your awareness of ATC phraseology, we added many more "hear-what- you-read" examples of pilot/controller dialogue. These exemplify the related procedures and illustrate how phraseology and number usage works. Many of these examples are "real-life" and were heard in various areas of the United States.
The result of this Third Edition is the creation of a universal air traffic control information manual useful to every level of experience. Used as an all-in-one reference in conjunction with the source material, this book provides the most complete resource to ATC information, information that can help you use the system more safely and effectively.
The arranging and editing of information in this edition was a complicated endeavor made much easier by the support and contributions of the following individuals: Professor Jan Archibald, former student of mine and now flight instructor, worked beyond the call of duty in the various stages in this project. Her biggest contribution was the editing of the rearranged material in a plain language, easy-to-read format. The increased legibility and more attractive typestyles in this edition can be attributed to the suggestions of typographer Irene Ing. She and her staff also showed incredible patience and understanding when it came to the many changes and rearranging of material that was required. Thanks to Randy, Kelly, Carol, and Jeff, who helped arrange my vacation time to allow me to cover important phases of this project. Thanks again to all of you for answering my "call to action." Together we answered a much greater "Call to Action."
Thomas S. Mills