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Product image 1The AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK For 1955
Product image 2The AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK For 1955
Product image 3The AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK For 1955
Product image 4The AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK For 1955
Product image 5The AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK For 1955
Product image 6The AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK For 1955
Product image 7The AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK For 1955
Product image 8The AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK For 1955
Product image 9The AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK For 1955
Product image 10The AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK For 1955
Product image 11The AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK For 1955
Product image 12The AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK For 1955
Product image 13The AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK For 1955
Product image 14The AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK For 1955

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479 pages - 1956 - Used, very good condition
Well - illustrated with photographs and three - view drawings, this interesting book depicts the types of aircraft built and in service in the United States ( 1955 ).


Book cover finish Canvas finish, Headband, Bradel, Hardcover ( rounded spine binding )
Condition Used, very good condition
Number of pages 479
Published date 1956
Language English
Size 16 x 23 x 2 cm
Author Authors’ collective
Editor Lincoln Press, Inc. - PUBLISHERS




No year in the history of the American aircraft industry has been marked by more manifestations of aeronautical progress than 1955. Not only has there been tangible evidence of this progress, but advanced and accelerated research and development have opened the doors to unexplored avenues of progress in such fields as earth satellite, the thermal barrier, atomic - powered aircraft and the inter - continental ballistics missile.


Guided missile development and production have forged ahead and the programmes of the armed services for these weapons clearly reflect the high order of importance attached to them. All types of jet and rocket power plants of vastly greater output are in production or under development.


Experimental convertiplanes, combining the advantages of helicopters and airplanes, have made their appearance. The principle of wingless vertical flight, both ducted fan and jet, has been introduced. Progress in the development and operational use of helicopters continues at a gratifying pace. Turbojet and turboprop powered commercial airliners of American manufacture are now entering production.


( ... ) This edition of the Aircraft Year Book reports not only on the aircraft industry, but on many other aspects of major aviation achievement. The activities of the Air Force, Naval Aviation, the Marine Air Arm, and Army Aviation are included. The Year Book likewise deals with the work of other government departments and agencies. It reviews the great progress of the commercial airlines, which flew some 42 - million passengers 24,409, - 470,000 passenger miles. It gives coverage to utility aircraft and their progress as servants of business, industry and agriculture, and on the development of the helicopter, both in its military role and its bright commercial future.


The Aircraft Industries Association believes that the 1955 edition of the Aircraft Year Book will contribute, as have the 36 which have preceded it, to a more complete public understanding of aviation and its relation to the general welfare, prosperity and security of our country.


Admiral DeWitt C. Ramsey ( USN, Ret. )

President, Aircraft Industries Association


Authors’ collective

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