Aircraft of the Royal Air Force since 1918 (Seventh edition 1979)

Prix régulier 60,00 € TTC 6%
Book cover finish | Hardcover ( rounded spine binding ) |
Special features | Dust jacket |
Condition | Used very good |
Published date | 1979 |
Languages | English |
Collection / Series | PUTNAM |
Size | 14 x 22 x 4 cm |
Author | Owen Thetford |
Editor | PUTNAM |
Since its first appearance in 1957, Aircraft of the Royal Air Force since 1918 has been through six editions and has earned worldwide acclaim as the standard work of reference on its subject: a subject which over the last two decades has become steadily more fascinating with the growth of interest in vintage aircraft.
This seventh revised and enlarged edition contains full-length descriptions, with photographs and three-view drawings, of all the new aircraft which are now in or will shortly enter service with the Royal Air Force. The text incorporates all the new research findings of the last five years about the operational histories of all the aircraft described : there is also an illustrated history of the R.A.F.'s role from the days of the rotary-engined Sopwith Snipe biplane of 1918 to the current days of the Harrier, Jaguar and Tornado. Full treatment is given to such new types as the British Aerospace Hawk, the Panavia Tornado, the Nimrod A.E.W.2, the British Aerospace Bulldog and Jetstream, the Sepecat Jaguar and the trio of Westland/Aerospatiale helicopters : the Puma, Sea King and Gazelle. Latest developments in missiles are also covered, including the British Aerospace Skyflash. Also added are valuable appendices listing R.A.F. squadrons, training units and equipment and front-line aircraft strengths over the period 1950 to 1976.