What HMH Publications is writing about the making of the books
During the making of the books, we got in contact with many interesting people – some of whom have become friends. Pilots, ground crew, PR-contacts, aircraft enthusiasts, … Sometimes, we find cool stories or great photos, but because it isn’t always possible to use them in a book, we publish them here in our blog. Enjoy!
With our book on the Mirage III/5/50 released, here’s a brand that the modelers among you might find interesting: South-African based ScaleWorx Resin Models has an extensive range of updates and conversion sets for the Mirage III family in different scales, such as this Mirage IIIEZ conversion in 1/32. Even conversions to some exotic developments of the famous French delta are possible, like the Cheetah B, C, D or E. Have a look at !
For our book on the Mirage III/5/50, we have worked with Team BD 09, a Belgian organization that has restored a two-seat Mirage 5 of the Belgian Air Force and keeps it in pristine condition. The team of enthusiastic volunteers preserve the jet at the Droneport of the former air base of Brustem near St. Trond in Belgium. The aim is to preserve it in the best possible way, offer virtual flights in it – the Sensation Flights – and maybe one day get her to taxiing condition. This of course comes at a price and it is with pride that we support this fabulous restoration project.
Ever wondered about the awesome thrust of a Harrier, taking off mere feet from you ? This gives a good idea of how that is! Our newest book is 108 page of action and details on board of the Juan Carlos I, the flagship of the Spanish Navy!
Here's a fantastic photo that we absolutely had to share with you: one of our books on the MiG-31 Foxhound arrived at an operational base in Russia and was submitted to a thorough inspection. So, when you get a thumbs-up from the people flying the jet, we can't help but feel proud about the result! We hope that both aircraft enthusiasts and scale aircraft modellers like the book too and we can assure you that many other aircraft will be a subject in this series too.
For those who have one or several of our books in their book case, please feel free to send us a photo of you with that book. Maybe with a model you built or with an aircraft behind you. Show us your passion for these aircraft !
Here is some exciting news ! Two of our team's photographers - Kris Christiaens (R) and Gert Trachez (L) visited the Spanish aircraft carrier Juan Carlos I recently for some upcoming books. They went on an operational cruise with the impressive ship and were able to make loads of photos that will soon be used in future publications. They had a great time and received a lot of help from the very enthusiastic crew of the Spanish Navy. We'd like to thank the Spanish Navy for this incredible opportunity and look forward in working with them again ! For you, our readers : you can expect the results of our work on this trip in the spring of 2020 !
So, here's a bit of cool news : Czech modelling company Special Hobby released a special edition box with two kits of their great 1/72 scale Saab Viggen (one single seat AJ-37 and one two-seat SK-37) ànd our Viggen book. This proved to be great idea, because after the first batch was sold in a matter of days, a second batch is available now. And for those who like to build 1/48 scale kits : a similar combination (1 kit + book) will be released soon as well. And who knows, maybe this idea will be repeated in the near future, but with another aircraft type ... ?
Little by little, model companies start to notice our books too! True, the books can be a great basis for update sets. Czech company BlackDog released some fantastic looking update sets to super detail your F-16 kits in 1/48 and 1/72. Actually, if you build it like that, you'd get close to an F-16 in maintenance. And our future book on the C-130 might help them to do some additional sets to their already impressive update sets of the aircraft! Check them out now !
Dark Bat Alpha Jet After designing the Dark Falcon, we had a very cool opportunity: the Belgian Air Force asked us to design a special tail for the final flight of the Alpha Jet. Being the way we are, we axtended the design to the air intakes and the wings. Although the Belgian Alpha Jets were stationed in Cazaux in France, the paintwork was done at Florennes Air Base. Since it was also the 100th anniversary of 11 SQN, the tail sports a big bat, the unit’s logo. Not many people have seen the aircraft, but here’s a photo of it! Photo : Robert Pied
Working on our biggest so far : C-130 Hercules One of our future book projects is our biggest so far : a complete photographical portrait on the Lockheed-Martin C-130 Hercules. Being in service with about 72 different countries and having been produced in so many versions, you can imagine that this is going to be a big book. We’re at about 190 pages and many models will be addressed in this publication : the Ghostrider gunship, Combat Talon II, LC-130 on skis, fire fighting Herc’s, RAF C-130’s, and many many more. When available? Probably November 2019 !
F-16 Dark Falcon Want to hear something cool ? Our team does more than design just books, in 2018 we participated in the design of an actual F-16 Fighting Falcon. For the Belgian Air Force Demo Team, we took care of the communication and design of the Dark Falcon, the black-grey-white jet flown by Cdr. Stefan Darte of 2 Wing. We also did the team’s patches, T-shirts, profiles, mugs, … By now, you probably know that we’ve made a limited edition book on the team too!
Fulcrum in the cold night Those of you that have a copy of our book on the MiG-29 Fulcrum, have seen that we have a soft spot for this formidable Russian fighter jet. One of the photos that didn’t make the lay-out, but that we really wanted to show you is this Polish Fulcrum going full afterburner over the winter country side.
New splinter for 18 Aggressor Squadron This Alaskan Aggressor, based at Eielson Air Force Base, shows a new and very cool looking splinter arctic scheme, which resembles very closely that of a Su-35 Flanker E. Earlier, this type of camouflage could be seen on F/A-18’s and F-15’s, but the F-16 look built for it! So cool !
Special F-16 : 100 years 1 SQN Belgian Air Force
2017 marks the 100th anniversary of 1 SQN of the Belgian Air Force. To be exact, the squadron exists since 1913, but it wasn’t until 1917 that it adopted the Scottish Thistle as squadron symbol. To celebrate a century of the unit, an F-16 was painted in a special livery. And it sure looks nice! Stingers rule !